There is a transcript of an engaging interview with Stan Iveson on the 'OneGuyFromBarlick' web site (posted by local historian Stanley Challenger Graham) The interview was carried out by Daniel Meadows, you can learn more about his work at the Free Photographic Omnibus.
Briercliffe Clarion House created by Melvyn Hirst here (PDF 124KB)
Colne Clarion House Timeline created by Melvyn Hirst and John Boardman - Nov 2017 here (PDF 551KB)
Colne Clarion House and other Clarion Houses in NE Lancashire - narrative created by Melvyn Hirst - June 2018 here (PDF 3MB)
Clarion Clubhouses Blog - Researched and written by Melvyn Hirst http://clarionclubhouses.cambrianmoons.com/
An Account of Socialist Drama Groups from the Peoples Theatre Archive can be found here (PDF 185KB)
If you wish to learn more about the Clarion Movement we have included below an account of the London Clarion Club House and a further account of Clarion activities in Liverpool. Both Items are from the Hayes Peoples History web site which we strongly recommend to students of social history.
We have also included a page of other Clarion venues.
London Clarion Club House (PDF 182KB)
Liverpool Clarion Activities (PDF 320KB)
Camps, Houses and Vans (PDF 197KB)